Advances in Agriculture & Botanics

Advances in Agriculture & Botanics

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Volume 5(2)/2013

First pages, 2013 AAB Bioflux 5(2):i-iv.

Khamrit R., Suwanagul A., Bunnag S., 2013 Callogenesis and Agrobacterium-mediated genetic transformation of sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum L.) with a chitinase gene. AAB Bioflux 5(2):51-59.

Sopha G. A., Sumarni N., 2013 Effect of dolomite, horse manure and NPK application on plant growth and yield of Cauliflower and its residue effect on Snap bean cultivation. AAB Bioflux 5(2):60-65.

Ada F. B., Ayotunde E. O., Ekpenyong E., 2013 Eco-economic assessment of rice culture using pisces as alternative method of weed control in Southern Cross River State, Nigeria. AAB Bioflux 5(2):66-76.

Al-Taha H. A. K., 2013 Effect of shock and gradual drought by PEG on callus growth and proline accumulation in sour orange (Citrus x aurantium). AAB Bioflux 5(2):77-83.

Fayyadh M. A., Abdalgader A. Z., Fadel A. A., Muhammed E. A., Manea A. A., Jaffer M. A., Fadel A. A., 2013 Formulation of biopesticide from Beauveria bassiana as part of biological control of date palm stem borer (Jebusaea hammershmidti). AAB Bioflux 5(2):84-90.

Nechita C., Popa I., Roibu C., 2013 Disturbance history in a stone-pine (Pinus cembra) multicentury tree-ring chronology from Calimani Mountains (Eastern Carpathians). AAB Bioflux 5(2):91-95.

Plaiu N., 2013 Climate influence on coniferous species radial growth in Moldovita River Basin. AAB Bioflux 5(2):96-101.

Tampus A. D., Tobias E. G., Amparado M. F., Bajo L., Sinco A. L., 2013 Assessment of the riparian vegetation along the riverine systems in Iligan City, Philippines. AAB Bioflux 5(2):102-114.

AAB Bioflux

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